The grand old banyan tree of my native village has caught my attention again. It is hundreds of years old, say the local natives. The legends and folklore of the area, believed to be hundreds of years, speaks of this tree. This Banyan is situated on the banks of a river “Chittoor Puzha”. To reach the spot one has to travel by foot for about 2kms. I make it a point to visit this spot each time I visit the pace, once or twice every year. I go there alone so that I can spend hours, sitting on its roots, absorbing the unpolluted air and the serene atmosphere with all the pores of my skin, into every cell of my body. It is an exhilarating experience. An experience where one feels one with nature. The ultimate Nirvana of body and soul.
Title : The Great Banyan Tree
Medium: Watercolours on cold pressed paper
(little bit of airbrushing done for the background)
Vinod Laxman
I can't see the banyan tree for some reason.
I can see now and looks awesome.
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